A little about your Therapist

My name is Saeedeh Shahbazi but I go by Nora. I have two sweet children who keep me on my toes. I am a Manual Osteopathic Practitioner and I have been working in the field of Manual therapy for about a decade now. To be a mom and running a business is challenging but I have to say that I really enjoy doing them both.

I studied French Translation in university and started my carrier as a French instructor. Then I became a tour leader which was fascinating at the time, however something very interesting happened in my life that has changed my carrier path.

When my first child had only 2 years, I was unfortunate to suffer from back-pain in a way that I could not stand or walk for more than 15 minutes. The X-ray result showed that I had a disc protrusion and my doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug and an absolute two months of rest which was impossible with a little baby!

I have been always interested in non-pharmacological treatments instead of chemical drugs. I believe that in some circumstances, chemical medications do not eliminate the cause of symptom and only give a false sense of recovery.

I had heard of people who can treat some lower back and joint pain with special manual techniques. So I started my treatment with on of them. Shockingly, by the fourth session of my treatment, I was able to resume my daily activities, and by 10th session in a two week span, my pain had completely disappeared!  

The results were so significant that I decided to become a therapist to be able to heal other’s pain with the most natural and simple treatments one can imagine. I enrolled in the relevant classes, and because of my passion and hard work, I was able to complete these courses in the shortest possible time and I started to work immediately after graduation. 

Later, I learned Swedish and Deep tissue massage techniques to improve my skills as a therapist.

Finally after my immigration to Canada, I attained my degree from the National Academy of Osteopathy as a Manual Osteopathic practitioner. The Manual Osteopathy field focuses on the body as a whole system, and seeks to help the body to heal itself.

Looking forward to meeting you and to help you utilize the benefits of Osteopathy to treat and prevent your pain.