From a French teacher to a manual osteopath!

Story a manual osteopath in Vancouver,Canada

The amazing story of my life

My name is Saeedeh and I was born on October 1, 1978, in Iran.
After completing my studies and going to university, I decided to learn French, because my dream was to go to France and I have always been very interested in French culture.
I loved french intonation and I loved kids and loved being a teacher for kids French atmosphere ruled Iran!
The field of study, the education I taught, and even the place where I worked were all-French.The real dream was slowly coming true and preparing me to go to that country.

A sweet thing happened!

In those years, God gave me my first child. During that time, I spent time with my family creating happy memories. However, fate had other things in mind for me.

An unfortunate incident

I suffered from severe back pain due to the great pressure and strain from having to work and take care of my baby during breastfeeding and labor.
I went to many different laboratories and they even tested me on X-rays. As a result, my doctor told me that my pain will be with me for the next few months; and that I should completely reduce my activity during this period and take the pills I was given.But did I listen? I think not :)

Looking for a better alternative.

Unlike the others who bowed their heads in the face of absolute rest and many drugs, I went for the main reason. The answer I got in the meantime surprised me!

Familiarity with the problem-solving center!

After much research, I was finally able to find a Manual therapy center in Iran that could help me with my back pain without the use of medication.
As a result, I was able to help relieve my back pain using manual therapy, a practice of which I had never heard before.

Rest is forbidden.

Our manual therapist rejected to forbidden; instead, I was given exercises to reduce the pressure on my back, strengthen my muscles, and keep my body in shape.

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However, life had put a tortuous path in front of my feet...!

At first, I had concluded that I would no longer be able to walk and stand for a certain amount of time.
However, this treatment center in Iran, by giving me a two-week treatment package, treated me 5 times per week with massage and special treatments.
Their exercises made it possible for me to walk and sit in a completely normal and comfortable way in the first week, and I could stand on my feet without any pain, numbness, or tingling after my session!
This event and relief from pain was so beautiful and appealing to me that I wanted to help others in relieving their pain because I remembered that I had a special interest in this model of treatment since I was a child!

But how did my childhood end?

As far back as I can remember from my childhood, I have always been interested in discovering natural and traditional therapies, and all of this fascinated me.
I was happy to learn what kind of herbs, or what herbal remedies can be taken orally to relax, eliminate stomach problems, solve the problem of insomnia, and whatever you can think of!
When someone talks about massage or worked on my mom’s body, I always tried to learn by looking at the hands of that expert person and try to do it at home for my mom.
Although I was young, I completely remember the pain caused by my mother's joints. Her constant leg pains made me apply all the eye massage treatments I had seen on her legs to help her, and reduce the pain and relax her muscles.
In fact, I was the only one in my family who controlled the problem of maternal osteoarthritis; I loved the massage like massage therapy I did for my mother with oil!.
The fact that I could see my mother's satisfaction after a good massage and see her pain decrease, during the age of thin age, gave me a feeling of deep happiness...


As a result, despite my different work career and other ideas, I concluded that massaging people for relieving their pains is my main skill and I should no longer ignore it!

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Impact learning

Let us go back to the story!
I completed the main courses of learning hands-on therapy in the shortest possible time! Then I quickly start to learn different kinds of massage like deep tissue massage and Swedish massage and face massage.
My teacher was so satisfied with my work that he offered me to do an internship in his office and get a job!
At that time I was waiting for a response from the Canadian embassy to immigrate to Canada and our application was approved finally after a 4-year delay.

How did everything go in this beautiful country?

First a wall we moved to Montreal. I planned to stay there for a few years and after evaluating my education in manual therapy and learning English, move to Vancouver but after two weeks we change our mind and we decide to move to Vancouver right after!
You can imagine how everything was hard for me!
Here I gave birth to my second dear child; I was involved in immigration problems, learning English to communicate with others, and many other problems that I gradually solved in two to three years with my dear family.
It may seem strange to you that I sat down to learn English; But if you remember the story first, my main destination was France and that is why I spent the whole period of my learning in French :)
My first job in Vancouver was working in foot reflexology and chair massage spa and my second one was working as a masseuse in an American mobile company named Soothe. I went to my client's home which was so fun for me and helped me more to improve my English and gave me more experience for deep tissue massage too.

But now it was time for the main move...

After I was able to put my second child in kindergarten and continue my education, it was time for me to come back to college and be able to work in a field that I know and love to work in. So I evaluate my education as Manual Osteopathy. You can guess how challenging was for me. I had two little kids of different ages and different needs, no family here to help me and study with a language that I was not strong on it! (Even now after a few years I always feel I need to improve my language because I didn't have a chance to learn it academically. )
I remember reading the lesson in the same way that I would take my child to the park and I would sit on a mat in a corner near him and study my lessons.
Even reading a short one-hour course took me hours to extract words that I could not understand, to find the right meaning, and to make sentences that I could understand.
Anyways thank god that could do it.


combined skills

I think the thing that makes me different from most manual therapists is I usually combine my treatments.
By recognizing the patient's body and the problems that the person has, I try to do not to do my treatment as a just treatment. I usually mix my manual osteopathy with deep tissue muscle release and even sometimes with my relaxing massage techniques that I learned so that the patient does not feel just a simple treatment and painful session but most of the time they have a feeling of relaxing body and mind plus treatment for their chronic pain as my clients say
And now from Aug 2021, I started to make a new technique specialized for migraine and Jaw disorder and in this technique, I do Cranial Osteopathy techniques and face muscles release in a base of incredible massage that most of the time my patient don't feel that this is a treatment session and they want to retake this session even when their problem is solved.


children grow up little by little (:

Now that I look back, I realize that by focusing on my dreams and hardworking and having success through hard work in my life I was able to turn all my pains, hardships, and sorrows into success; Success that has enabled me to be able to solve the problems of others and heal their body and mind!
So you who are reading this text! Never give up on dreams and do not fall short in difficulties.

So I turned my attention and put my wishes on a piece of paper: 

I would like to see my future come out of this state of waiting for the next six months and lead a much more useful and purposeful life, be able to raise my child outside of Iran, and despite the financial and difficult problems I want there I had to build my life from scratch and with power again.
I always said to myself, maybe there is a good thing in these events and difficulties ...
However, the positive aspect of these events was gradually manifesting itself.