Golden Osteopathy

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What are the characteristics of the best manual osteopathy session in Vancouver?

Best Session Manual osteopathy in Vancouver

The answer to this question is not easy! In my opinion, there are several factors that can make a massage session pleasant for us. If a practitioner can truly design the best manual osteopathy session in Vancouver, they shall be crowned one of the best practitioners in the Vancouver!!

In my opinion, the best osteopathic manual practitioner doesn’t have to be someone with a lot of knowledge and many years of experience.

These are some factors that I use to make sure my customer truly enjoys their perfectly designed manual osteopathy session:

Best designed manual osteopathy session:

- Gaining the customer’s trust

- Feeling sympathy for the customer (whether it’s pain or mental health)

- Trying to find the root of the problem to help solve it radically

- Making sure the environment is relaxing and comforting

- Making sure the customer feels clean in the room and whilst working

- Be on good terms with the customer/ making them feel welcome or comfortable

- Being soft and gentle so the customer feels relaxed and well

 -Observing everything in the environment during therapy that can help the mind and body find balance and peace! 

Cool right? Good music, a pleasant odor,  and most significantly, smooth hand movement during work all contribute to a sensation of tranquility.

All of these factors are really important for maintaining a serene and peaceful environment. And remember, communication is key! If you feel the vibes of your therapy session are not quite right, tell your practitioner to help fix it right away!

Let’s walk through what it looks like to be my client! Imagine this...

  • You go to Golden Osteopathy website, and book your appointment

  • You can’t wait until your appointment

Steps to do in Manual osteopathy in Golden Osteopathy clinic

1.   On your appointment day, you try to find the door, (you may need to double check) and you finally enter a beautiful, relaxing, modern, and serene clinic. It smells like eucalyptus, your favorite!

2.   Your very pretty practitioner greets you with a friendly smile and shows you to the even better and ever prettier room that smells even more like an island resort and gives you some time to get ready and take off excess clothing. ( stretchy clothing and generally soft clothing stays on, such as leggings, t-shirts, shorts, skirts, etc.)

3.   You and your practitioner run over the intake form that you already filled out, and talk about what you’re going to focus on today. Your practitioner then runs a little test to check your mobility, alignment, and structure, then you lay on the bed and get started!

4.   Your practitioner searches for trigger points, sensitive areas, checks your muscles, spine, and overall tries to find the root of your problems. (step 5 and 6 take like 10 mins, altogether)

5.   The treatment, BEGINS! Your M.P (manual practitioner) starts working on releasing tension, joint mobilization, stretching, releasing trigger points, just generally balancing your body.

6.   After the session, you don’t want to leave the comfy bed and keep saying “Oh that was truly amazing, definitely the best manual osteopathy session in Vancouver I have ever been to! I feel so relaxed!!” LMAO 

7.   You feel 20% - 80% better (it’s a wide range, don’t judge)

8.   Your M.P. gives you time to get ready, then you come outside and are in such a good mood. You go and pay, then decide if you want to book any other sessions then and there, or you can go home and do it online. 

9.   By writing a review, you help your M.P. gain recognition, and help others find osteopathy and live pain free lives.

Believe me, the clinic that I work with is by far one of the best wellness clinics in Vancouver. 

See this form in the original post